Ring No Answer Time (RONA/RNA) Configuration In UCCE 11.6
So I’ve had a problem with RONA where agents not picking up the call would be placed in ‘Not Ready – Call Not Answered’ state and, if there are no other available agents, placed back to ‘Ready’ again. The call would loop and go back-and-forth to this agent again and again.
Here is my configuration:
Agent Desk Setting had 8 seconds configured for Ring no answer time
CVP timeout timer was set to 12 seconds

CUCM timeout was set to 16 seconds

What the configuration guide didn’t specify is that setting RONA in Agent Desk Setting places agents back to ‘Ready’ state after CVP timer expires. So in my case, agents placed in ‘Not Ready – Call Not Answered’ state after 8 seconds and placed back into ‘Ready’ state after 4 seconds. Not configuring RONA in ADS makes agents stay in ‘Not Ready – Call Not Answered’ state. So as soon as I deleted RONA timer in ADS, my problem was fixed. And remember that the field must be blank and not zero, as zero is not an acceptable value.